GTA 5 Mission # 29 Blitz Play Introduction And Getaway Car – Gold Medal Walkthrough

A Gold Medal Walkthrough of GTA 5 Mission Number 29 Blitz Play Introduction And Getaway Car. In this mission, Michael, Trevor, and Franklin go to Covington Supplies in the El Rancho area and meet FIB agents Steve Haines, Dave Norton, and Andreas Sanchez. During the meeting, the FIB agents tell the trio that the IAA (agency) have secured some funds by selling drugs, and they’ll use those funds to spread panic among people so that the government increases their funding. So, the FIB agents want the trio to acquire IAA’s money for them when the bonds soon leave the terminal in an armored vehicle. Hearing that, Michael refuses to do job stating that the trio doesn’t have enough time to prepare for the job the right way. After that, Steve, while leaving the meeting with the other two FIB agents, tells the trio that he doesn’t care, and he can’t allocate any resources for the job but, still wants it done. After that, the trio starts thinking how they will do the job. Moments later, Michael comes up with a ‘Classic Blitz Play’ plan for the job and explains it to Franklin and Trevor. After that, Franklin and Trevor leave. After that, the three men have a conference call in which Michael mentions things required for the job. After that, Trevor procures a getaway car for the job and parks it in the Murrietta Heights area for its use later. After that, Trevor makes a conference call to Franklin and Michael telling them that a getaway car for the task has been arranged. The Blitz Play introduction is just a cutscene and not a mission but, arranging the getaway vehicle for the job is a mission named “Getaway Car” that’ll reward you a gold medal for just completion.
I hope you’ll enjoy watching the video.

This video was made using this laptop with the following upgrades:

1 ) Stock HDD swapped with a Samsung 850 EVO 500 GB 2.5 inch SSD.

2 ) RAM upgraded from 4 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz to 12 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz.

Recorded using FRAPS:

Edited using Vegas Movie Studio 13:

Lastly, I would like to apologize for the fact that I watered-down the quality of the video in the editing process to compensate for the horrendous upload speed of my internet connection and to make matters even worse, YouTube lowered down the quality even further after me uploading it.

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